Female genital cutting (also referred to as female genital mutilation) and child marriage are two of the most prevalent gender-based violence issues, resulting in the loss of young girls’ chances of gaining an education and improving their economic and emotional development as adults. Education is widely recognised as one of the best ways to empower populations and strengthen economies. According to the UN, every additional year of primary school increases girls’ eventual wages by 10-20 percent. It also encourages them to marry later and have fewer children, and leaves them less vulnerable to violence. Despite this, 12 million girls every year will still marry before their 18th birthday – that’s nearly half Australia’s population (UNICEF). And likewise, each year around 4 million girls worldwide are at risk of undergoing female genital cutting (FGC). So They Can is a not for profit organisation committed to protecting and empowering children living in poverty through education. By giving to them you are helping to raise funds to support our education and empowerment projects that reach vulnerable girls in East Pokot.
So They Can
Menlo Park, CA
Support So They Can to ensure that no girl is left behind. To receive a tax receipt for NZ or AU, please donate via sotheycan.org
sotheycan.org ↗︎